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Newsletter February 2021 – vaccines ahoy!

Foucault's Pendulum, in Korea

It's always interesting to see what foreign publishers pick up. This month we were pleased to find that a Korean Publisher wanted to use three of Neil Packer's paintings which had been commissioned by The Folio Society. We think they look rather good on their covers.

This is another painting from that series, and prints of all of them are available here. Foucault's Pendulum images.

Chicano Batman

The LA band, Chicano Batman spotted John Harris's image, The Second Sun, and they're using it on their new EP, Dark Star, due out in June. It's good music too.

Ian Miller – and Magic, the Gathering

Prints of Ian Miller's Varragoth image have been flying. So much so that we might produce others from the series. There are no original paintings for sale sadly, but we could produce more prints. What about these? Ankh of Mishra, and Crimson Roc?

John Harris – new work and new prints

This is John's most recent painting, The Habitats of Corrylus, (the Family Group) and that will appear on the website soon.

Also he's looked again at The Secret History of the Earth and we've decided to offer prints. You can see the film about the idea here.

The Secret History of the Earth prints

Conventions? Do we love them?

I agree with some who are wondering online about going to worldcons. Of course the preparations can be quite something, and the costs add up – but I really enjoy seeing other artists, collectors, clients – and the very random selection of people who turn up.

I was about as new to all that as it's possible to be when we first went to Brighton for the worldcon years ago but it was hugely enjoyable and I still have two of the paintings from that time. I was lucky to be given the magnificent Mechanismo Spaceport by Jim Burns (above) at that con, and I also have Okie Cities by John Harris from that con. (Although we now call it Spindizzy, below.) Plus, of course, I have many happy memories and still some of those early contacts.

That journey home though, after a big trip, hopefully travelling a bit lighter but usually involving a sleep on the plane? It's good to get home after that. And get up some strength for the next time.

The Story of the Month?

It just has to be the success of the Perseverance mission to Mars. For so long, it's been the best venue for any writers' imagination but now there's the most captivating reality. Here are some of the images from that fiction. The Mars Quartet by Jonathan Fisher and Janie Fenn, illustrated by Jim Burns. And a sketch and the finished piece by John Harris for Mars Life by Ben Bova.
All images copyright © the artists.